How did I spend my winter holidays

•February 1, 2011 • 4 Comments

Winter holds me with her arms of icy white… and kissed my breath with frost…

Today is the last day of my winter holidays. These two weeks were great, I enjoyed them very much, but everybody knows: nothing lasts forever and every pleasant thing has its end. Nevertheless, I had enough time to rest and now I’m ready to continue to study.

I didn’t go anywhere, but I had a good time staying at home. I have no special plan for winter holidays just spend like I spend my other days.  I had a plenty of time and read books every day. I was impressed by “The Blues Of Black Dog” (D. Skiryuk), “The Wild Beach” (A. Vargo), “The Shining” (S. King). 

I also listened to the music and went out for a walk with my friend. We like windless sunny winter weather, especially when there is a lot of snow everywhere. The bright and sunny day in the winter makes us to be alive. So, on weekends we went to the park and enjoyed a wonderful nature.


Also, I visited the lycee, which I have finished last year. I met with my teachers. We were glad to see each other.

I helped my parents about the house. I cleaned our flat, cooked meals and washed up.

 So I had a wonderful time. These holidays I can call “heaven’s holidays”, because they were pleasant and quiet.


•December 10, 2010 • 2 Comments

New Year is coming and everyone is busy with decorating homes to welcome it. There are lots of expectations and desires, associated with a New Year.  People take New Year resolutions and try to fulfill them.  New Year decorations are one of the important parts of welcoming a New Year.  My family and I also decided to adorn our house with different decoration items to give it an impressive look. So, we made a New Year wreath.

We took artificial branches of pine and turned it in a circle.  Then we put crystal balls, stars, bumps, porcelain figures and others ornaments on it.  To make our wreath more glittering, we covered it with sparkles .  Finally, we fastened all these elements with glue.

The efforts, put by us in decorating our home with New Year wreath, show our spirit on this holiday.  Making this decoration was a great fun.  We have a good time doing interesting and creative work.

“Money, however, doesn’t bring happiness, but it’s very soothing” E.M. Remarque

•December 5, 2010 • 2 Comments

“Money plays a big role. Because we never have it enough” –  this view of the role of money in our life is widely heard. Money is important for us. It pays for our food, shelter, necessities. However, despite its importance, we often poorly manage it.

I always try to spend money wisely. Especially, if it is a big amount.  The biggest amount of money I’ve spent on my leather jacket. It costs 2.500 grivnas. I’m sure, it is good value for money.

I’m sure, that we can spend as much as we think best. But I am also sure, that we can’t spend more than we can.

Hello world!

•December 5, 2010 • Leave a Comment

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